High Environmental Value (HEV) viticulture
In France, high environmental value is a standard that guarantees the use of agricultural practices that preserve the natural ecosystem and reduce pression on the environment (soil, water, biodiversity, etc.). It is the country’s highest level of environmental certification for agricultural businesses. It is based on environmental performance indicators, which focus on 4 key areas:
Biodiversity conservation, which touches upon aspects such as agroecological infrastructure, plant diversity, etc.
Plant protection strategy, which assesses the untreated surfaces, the frequency of phytosanitary treatments, the use of alternative methods to chemical control, sodding, etc.
Management of fertilizer use, which includes a nitrogen balance, use of decision-making tools, soil covers, etc.
Management of water, which is measured by the material used, the adherence to a collective management approach, the use of decision-making tools, etc.